Odessa Offensive Operation

As a result of the Odessa Offensive Operation  troops of the 3rd Ukrainian Front  in cooperation with the 2nd Ukrainian Front  defeated the enemy group operating between the Southern Bug and the Dniester. Seven divisions of the German 6th Army lost up to half of their troops.

Having advanced to the lower reaches of the Dniester and seizing bridgeheads on its opposite bank, the troops of the 3rd Ukrainian Front took an advantageous position for subsequent actions with the aim of liberating Moldova and advancing deeper into Romania and the Balkans.

On June 8, 2024, a presentation of the new postal set  took place at the Parkany Village History Museum.

This is the second set  in a series of setsof stamps dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Pridnestrovie.

The third release will take place on August 23, the day of the liberation of the city of Bendery from Nazi troops.

The set is printed in both perforated and imperforated versions.

The edition of the perforated  set  is 3600 pcs. (600 sheets each)

The edition of the imperforated  set  is 600 pcs. (100 sheets each)

The serial number of  these sets  according to the catalog of postage stamps of the PMR is No. 1298-1300

Artist A.F. Petkov.


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