Envelope with the original stamp “30 years of the Union of Journalists of  Pridnestrovie “

30 years ago, on May 21, 1994, the constituent asembly of the Union of Journalists of Pridnestrovie was held in the capital. Today  in honor of the anniversary of the foundation of the Union  a solemn plenum was held at the Palace of the Republic.

Minister of Digital Development Alexander Dimitroglo took part in the event.

The event dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Union was attended by the First President of the PMR Igor Smirnov, Deputy Head of the Government of the PMR Alexey Tsurkan, Deputy of the Supreme Council of the PMR Andrey Safonov, Head of the State Service for Archives and Documentation Management Zinaida Todorashko, Chairman of the OSTK Vladimir Emelyanov, Chairman of the Writers’ Union of Pridnestrovie Valery Kozhushnyan, leaders and representatives of the media and public organizations.

At the end of the ceremonial plenum, a  cancellation of the envelope with the original stamp took place at the Palace of the Republic. Its release is timed to the 30th anniversary of the Union of Journalists of  Pridnestrovie . The right to put the first seal on a unique thematic envelope with a stamp was granted to the Chairman of the Union of Journalists  Alexander Karasev. Following him the First President of the PMR, Igor Smirnov as well as the Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the PMR  Alexander Dimitroglo  were invited to  stamp  the commemorative envelope.

Today there are 104 people in the Union of Journalists of Pridnestrovie .

The edition  of the envelope with the original stamp is 300 pieces.

Союзу журналистов Приднестровья 30 лет (youtube.com)

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